Blog Time :)

On Monday, we did quite a few things. We explored a ziploc bag on the light table which had shaving cream, hair gel, paints and a mirror board. Una enjoyed the activity as she could look at herself everywhere but Nathaniel was out of it because it wasn't messy. We even explored shaving cream for the first time at school. Nathaniel loved it. He wanted to put it on my face to see how it feels, and I guess he liked it because he kept applying it on my face. Later in the afternoon, when I was doing an activity with Una, Nathaniel was playing on his own and when I noticed, he was playing peek-a-boo on his own. When I went over, he started playing that with me. It is beautiful to see how they grasp things and observe things and implement them. Una has started recognizing me, so everytime she sees me she smiles and makes sounds. I love it.

Tuesday- Was a holiday.

On Wednesday- Nathaniel was completely into shaving cream and paints. He applied it on his hands, legs, everywhere. He was trying to crawl into it, reach for toys, etc. The activity went on for almost 15-20 mins. It was fun to watch him play. 

On Thursday- We explored white sand with green+black powder just to create a "Dirt" effect. Una liked it she played with it for quite some time, whereas Nathaniel wanted to put it on the carpet and crawl in it. He did it. They both enjoyed it and what amused them was the color changing from white to green. Una did well sitting up. She did not cry neither did she look uncomfortable. 

It was a fun week. 

Enjoy your long weekend :)


We missed our Nathaniel today :(

We did not do anything today as Una is not feeling well so she was resting for almost the whole day. 

Next week, I am planning to remake the pumpkin which they painted yesterday as it got ripped off by the infant-B children. Plan on introducing shaving cream and focusing on self identity.

Una's denim jacket was adorable.


On Monday, they spent the whole day in the infant-B classroom and explored a whole lot.

On Tuesday, we had the Halloween Parade and thank you so much for joining for the parade. 

On Wednesday, we again spent the whole day in the Infant-B classroom and did a painting activity. They really love in the infant-B room.

On Thursday, we painted pumpkins and went to the park. Beautiful day.


Happy Halloween.

It was a beautiful parade. Our giraffe and camel did a wonderful job. They looked so adorable in their outfit. 

We missed you Amit :)


Thank you for coming :)

Hi Families,

Thank you so much for coming and spending time with us. Also, Thank you for hand/foot printing on the canvas. It will soo be up in our room. It was a beautiful morning. 

We again did the same activity in our room today to see if they would still be interested, and Una was really enjoying the activity. SO what I did was, Placed paint on the mirror, wrapped it with cling wrap and let them explore. Once they were done, I put a canvas on top of the mirror and helped them dab it. The impression that has come on the canvas looks amazing. (I am obsessed with it.)


Blog Time :)

On Monday we again explored mirror card with glue and white sand. Nathaniel was interested in the activity but was more interested in looking at himself and trying to rip off the sheet. That is his new interest :). We have been exploring quite a few corners of our room and both of them are really familiar with their classroom.

On Tuesday, we went over to the Infant-B room and explored clay together. Both of them did not seem interested in exploring clay. Must be the stickiness or because they were seeing it for the first time at school. We are going to try exploring it again.

On Wednesday, we had a special guest who visited us- Ms. Corine's son and he loves babies. They all had a wonderful time together. We also took advantage of the good weather and went outside to the park. 

On Thursday, we explored temper paint+ activity paint at school for the first time.We painted autumn leaf with cling wrap. Una enjoyed looking at herself in the mirror and patting on the leaf. Nathaniel was more keen on looking at himself and playing with the magna tiles rather than the activity.


Happy Friday :)

Today was a fun day. We started our day in the Infant-B room and had our morning meeting there. We sang a lot of songs and greeted good morning to each other, read a couple of books too. Both of them love it there. We try and collaborate often so our friends have more friends and become more social. It is beautiful to see how the older infants try to touch Nathaniel's and Una's nose or eyes because that is what they are exploring. Don't worry their touches are gentle.

We even went outside today to the park. What a beautiful day! I try to take them outside at least twice but it doesn't always happen because of their different nap timings.

Una did her gel painting activity on the light table and she liked it. She focused more on the activity than the mirror.

Nathaniel explored finger paints in a ziploc bag and he loved tapping because it was making a sound and he loved to rip it off from the table. 

Both of our friends ate with the Infant-B group today and the teachers of Infant-B said Nathaniel and Una have been awesome in that room without any of us. ( you all and me)

Nathaniel is already transitioning so well. Makes me sad:( 

Blog time.

This week we explored quite a few things. We started off by pumpkin painting on Monday with paint, food color and cream of tartar. Both of them seemed to have enjoyed it because they did not get bored soon. It was our first time using food color and cream of tartar. It was a great experience. The pumpkins have come out beautiful :) I put the pumpkin on a mirror card so that they could look at themselves while doing the activity.

On Tuesday, accidentally all 3 of us were color coordinated:) That was a good start to the day and Nathaniel also explored paint, glue and white sand on foil paper. At first he wasn't sure if he liked the feel of the glue but later he did not want to leave the activity. 

On Wednesday, we explored autumn leaves on the light table with blue paper on it. Nathaniel was having a good time. He wanted to sit on the light table and after he sat, he patted on every leaf and explored it.

Thursday- Nathaniel explored gel with white and green paint and he did not like how it felt. He was done with the activity in less than 5 minutes. We will try it again.

We are still obsessed with the mirror and dont miss a chance to look at ourselves in it.  

Early post because I have to leave early today.


Happy Friday!

Today, Nathaniel not only looked at the apples again but also had a chance to taste them. Out of all the three apples, he seemed to have liked the yellow one the most because he actually tasted it. The other two slices he just touched it and left it on the table. 

We even played peek-a-boo and Una was really excited about it.

We read plenty of books, and guess what? We read the Dear Zoo, and both of them were extremely focused while I was reading it.  While we were reading the Princess book, Nathaniel was helping me turn the pages.

They both looked super cute in their outfits.

We played with vegetables and animal puzzles and spoke about the different animals and vegetables!
