
Eventful week!

This week, we explored different kinds of fruits and painted.

On Tuesday, we explored three different kinds of apples during which Nathaniel was more interested in tasting it rather than seeing it and Una was more focused on looking at herself in the mirror.

On Wednesday, we went outside with the Infant-B room and went pumpkin picking. We looked at two different sizes of pumpkins and spoke about 2 different colors of pumpkins and later went to the park where we sang a few songs and read "Dear Zoo". 

On Thursday, we explored dried oranges on the light table and they looked beautiful. Nathaniel again wanted to taste it, maybe he got tempted by the smell of it. And Una touched one and then started looking at herself in the mirror.

Nathaniel also painted on the light table with magna tiles. He was having a lot of fun gliding the magna tile from one side to the other because he could see the colors spread.

We also looked at the paint through the magna tiles on the light table.




Today we went to the store to pick apples up for next week and also went to the Washington market park for some time.

While we were at the store, we looked at different kind of pumpkins and apples.

We are also practicing gentle touches :)



Blog Time :)

This week we did focus on self-identity but focused more on becoming independent and working on our bond with one another.

Una- On Monday, Una made an attempt to hold her own bottle and now she has started holding her bottle with both her hands if a little support is given. As she is gradually forming a tight grip, she is capable of holding lightweight objects with both her hands and if I put a shaker on her tummy, she tries to reach for it and hold it with both her hands. 

Nathaniel- We are working on pushing ourselves forward to reach for objects. He tries really hard to reach for objects and to push himself forward. 

Nathaniel is also too focused and intentional about everything he does. today during morning meeting, he was trying to make a sound by tapping a shaker bottle on the drum. Even when we went to the park two days back, he observed the autumn leaf and then tore it. He knew this was possible because we already had explored autumn leaves in our room and he had done that.

Both the children are extremely social, they smile at everyone who comes to our room or passes by. Yesterday when Ms. Linda came to our room, both of them were so happy, kept smiling and looked like Nathaniel was trying to talk.

They are bonding with each other and are aware of each others presence in the room. 

Because there is an intentional approach of doing most of the activities in front of the mirror, both of them have started developing a sense of self and every time Nathaniel looks at himself in the mirror, he smiles.  And Una, once she starts looking at herself in the mirror she wont take her eyes off that mirror. She will continuously look at herself.

We have been collaborating a lot of activities with the Infant B room so that all of them can socialize with one another and Nathaniel can slowly start to get used to his next classroom:(:) (I am not ready to let him go :( )

We have been going outside together, today we had music session together, did body painting together.

And have a lot of fun activities planned together for the future. 




A few pictures that are uploaded have a meaning behind it.

Nathaniel- Was stretching his body to reach the basket of shakers.

Una- Was holding her own bottle today for sometime.


Focusing quite a lot on self identity and bonding.


Focusing quite a lot on self identity and bonding.

This week on Tuesday, we painted on the light table. It had paints, glue and sand. It was Una’s first time painting. Both of them seemed to have enjoyed it.

One of the reasons I chose the light table was because it has 2 mirrors around it so children could look at themselves while doing the activity.

Guess what?  They actually looked at themselves in the mirror.

Nathaniel would look at himself and the minute I would see him he would smile at me in the mirror.

Una kept looking at the mirror for the longest! In fact, she was amazed to see herself in the mirror than the activity.

Both of them have started recognizing themselves and Una has started responding to her name too.

It is really cute and funny to see how Nathaniel will look at himself in the mirror and smile and try and look at me through it.

I have been making a conscious effort to try and do most of the things possible in front of the mirror or close to where the mirrors are so that children are more aware.

It cracks me up when Nathaniel looks at his family picture and can't stop smiling and blushing. Haven't got a chance to capture it because he stops smiling when I go to click a picture.

Yesteerday we went outside on a walk and the weather was really good.We went to the Washington market park; it was Una’s first time going to the park with us. On our way to the park, both of them were gazing at the beauty around and at the same time taking care of each other.

As we can see in the picture, they were both making sure that they are alright. They are definitely building a community and being aware of each other’s surrounding.

It is just beautiful to see how they have started recognizing each other and how they are bonding in their own little way.

Yay we are attacking the socio-emotional domain.

Today we joined the toddlers for a walk to the park. It was fun.




The blog is early this week!

Last week we focused quite a lot on self-identity and had mirror time. We read a lot of books facing the mirror and explored toys facing the mirror.

This week, Nathaniel looked at the mirror, looked at himself and smiled. Una would look at herself in the mirror and keep staring. 

On Monday, we did an art activity where I had put 2-3 different kind of paints and covered the canvas with cling wrap. Both of them seemed to have enjoyed it.

We went out on a walk yesterday and they enjoyed their moment in the sunshine.

We explored different types of sensory items by keeping them on the light table and they were engrossed. Una was on her belly for some time while exploring the sensory items and magna tiles.

We explored the white sand and guess what? Neither of them put it in their mouth :)

They both were very focused.



Highlights from this week.

As this was the first week, we did not get to do much as Una is still settling down and was having shorter days. Nathaniel has settled down because we got to spend time over the summer and he has gotten used to the classroom now. We did a few activities this week and have attached a few pictures below, but rest of them will come to you through email.

Depending on their schedule, I am trying to do circle time every day where we use different musical instruments or bottles with objects that make a sound. We sing songs like abcs, hello song, itsy bitsy, wheels on the bus, etc. 

Also read a few books everyday and these vary. Just to list a few- Brown Bear Brown Bear, I am Small, ABC's, NUmber book from 1-5 (touch and feel ), touch and feel animal book , llama llama wakey wakey, and a few others.

Also, for now- I am getting Nathaniel to do the MORE sign, because it will be helpful in the future and everytime we are done with something I do the ALL done sign. Will be starting this with Una in a few months.




Forming a sense of self identity

This year our school is going to focus on how the child forms a sense of self identity and gains understanding of the world around them. Our class will be focusing on the same in an age appropriate manner. We will be focusing more on developing a sense of self by doing more  mirror activities and placing them in front of the mirror. This will encourage facial recognition, we can see their expressions, and understand the basics of social emotional regulation. There are quite a few mirrors around our classroom just to this beginning formation of sense of self. Generally, around this age babies tend to learn about who they are by touching their own face, body and by grabbing or kicking things. And through this, they gain a better understanding of the world around and start to enjoy the influence of their actions on the world.

Music is one way we can promote sense of self. Music is very powerful and has meaning that goes beyond words. Music is not only beneficial to give and receive love but also supports the formation of important brain connections that are being established in the early years of life.  A few rhymes like: peek-a-boo or the hello song makes them get used to their name and who they are.

According to the psychologist Erik Erikson, he developed a few stages of development depending on different age groups, trust vs mistrust applies to infants and children who are up to one year old. Their self-concept is determined by how well they can trust that their needs are met. What also helps is holding their hand or when they hold your fingers or hands.

Greeting them and speaking their name constantly also helps a lot because they start responding to it.

