On Monday we read Dots! Dots! Dots! at the Museum.  Afterward, the children were given an opportunity to create their own work of art that included dots.  We also finished up Halloween costumes, painted with blue paint, white paint, and shaving cream on a mirror, worked at the easel using dot dot markers, played train in the block area (there was a conductor and passengers), and built with light table manipulatives on the light table.

Tuesday was Halloween!  We had a wonderful time showing off our costumes while trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.

On Wednesday some of the children worked on creating individual structures in the block area, within their own designated area on the rug.  We also made pumpkin pie with Diane, had soccer with Coach JoJo, and explored baking soda and colored vinegar.

On Thursday we combined with 3B in our classroom.  Some children worked at our wood working station (explored building, without glue), painted with colored shaving cream, read all of the big books in our classroom, cooked and dined in the kitchen area, and made a thank you card for Tribeca Kitchen for passing out treats on Halloween.

On Friday the children creating individual shaving cream paintings, explored water and animals in the water table, created structures with cups and pipe cleaners, and had shared snack together (thank you Dylan!)